Taking The Bite Out Of Dental Anxiety

February 10, 2024


For a lot of people, dentistry has a bad rep, and we’re well aware of it. In the past, the focus of dentistry didn’t involve managing patient comfort, but it definitely does now. Technology in the dental office has been evolving and a lot of procedures are much more comfortable than they used to be. At Albert Park Dental our entire team will strive to make your appointments as comfortable as we can from beginning to end. This 100% involves helping patients who feel nervous. Your fear is legitimate and there are many ways we can suggest to help you to manage or overcome it.

Some practical tips to help you

  • Start small if you can. Don’t try to force yourself to do too much. We can help you to build your confidence with small, manageable steps. 
  • Think about what in particular bothers you so we can take it into account during your appointment.
  • When you make your appointment please let us know you are anxious. Your dentist will sit down with you at your appointment to discuss your individual needs. 
  • Pick an early appointment time or just after lunch so you are not sitting around waiting for your appointment to arrive. 
  • Bring along a support person. There’s no problem bringing along a friend or family member who can help you.
  • If the sounds bother you then bring along some earbuds and listen to some of your favourite music or a great podcast.
  • Agree on a hand signal with your dentist so that you can let us know at any time that you need us. 
  • We have plenty of stress balls for you to squeeze. Alternatively a fidget spinner can give you something to distract you.
  • It may sound corny, but meditation and breathwork can be very helpful. Apps such as Insight timer, 10% happier, Smiling Mind and Headspace can be a good place to look for guides to follow. Closing your eyes then taking slow and steady inward and outward breaths are an excellent way to untangle your thoughts and calm yourself down before, during and after your appointment.  
  • For patients who find these techniques ineffective, there are pharmaceutical options. We would suggest you discuss these with your doctor.

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